Gas Dryer

No Power

Click on the Steps below to jump directly to that section:

Step 1
Check voltage supplied to the unit.
Step 2
Check voltage at the power button. 
Step 3
Check voltage at the Display PCB.


Wiring Colors, Connectors, and Pins will vary by model/product code. Always be sure to download and use the service manual for your specific model.

For Test Mode procedures use this link and input your specific model:

Step 1

If unit wont power up, check the power source,

Check the specification label on the unit for proper supply voltage required.

Gas  dryers need 120Vac.

Check voltage while powering the unit on and trying to run a cycle.  If voltage measured drops below the required voltage then the customer’s electrical system is the cause. The customer will need an electrician to repair their receptacle, breaker or electrical wires in their home.

Step 2

Disconnect & Reconnect Dryer to Power.  Check for 120 Volts ac on Black wire to Red wire.  Press “Power” button and should now read 0 Volts ac Black to Red.

Note: Ohm check “Power” button switch from Black wire to Yellow wire.  The switch is Normally closed.  Press button and switch opens.

Step 3

Check power at display board

If the MAIN PCB has 120 volts and the power button is functional and the MAIN PCB does not produce the necessary 12Vdc needed to illuminate the display then the MAIN PCB is defective.

If the DISPLAY PCB has 12Vdc and does no illuminate then the DISPLAY PCB is defective.