
Not Draining

Click on the Steps below to jump directly to that section:

Step 1
Drain hose installation.
Step 2
Check for drain hose obstructed.
Step 3
Check drain pump resistance and voltage of a 2 wire pump.
Step 4
Check drain pump resistance and voltage of a 3 wire pump.


Wiring Colors, Connectors, and Pins will vary by model/product code. Always be sure to download and use the service manual for your specific model.

For Test Mode procedures use this link and input your specific model:

Step 1
Step 2
Step 3

 Check voltage to the drain pump and be sure the main board is sending proper voltage to the drain pump.

Measure the voltage and the resistance of the drain pump from the Main PCB.

– If no voltage is present at the Main PCB, replace the Main PCB.

-If voltage is present, measure voltage at the drain pump.

7 -2) Measure the voltage and the resistance of the drain pump from the Main PCB.

If no voltage is present at the Main PCB, replace the Main PCB.

If voltage is present, measure voltage at the drain pump.

If voltage is present, replace the drain pump.

If voltage is not present at the pump, suspect a wiring harness issues.

Check resistance values of the drain pump from the Main Board.

If an open is read, read the resistance of the drain pump at the pump.

If an open is still read, replace the drain pump.

If the resistance is okay, suspect a harness issue.

If the resistance of the pump is okay from the Main Board, suspect a Main Board problem.

Step 4

Example of 3 wire drain pump on wiring diagram.

This is a 24 Volt AC pump. When running you should read 24 Volts AC between any two wires. The resistance values for this motor should be 3 ~ 6 ohms between any two wires.

Note: The unit you are working on may have different wire colors please see your wiring diagram for exact colors of the unit you are working on.