Front Load Washer
Not Draining
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Wiring Colors, Connectors, and Pins will vary by model/product code. Always be sure to download and use the service manual for your specific model.
For Test Mode procedures use this link and input your specific model:
Verify in test mode that the unit is not draining and listen to determine if the drain pump is running.
Verify Drain Hose Installation and Check for Blockages
Is the drain filter and pump housing clean?
Is the drain hose kinked, twisted, or blocked with debris?
Has the drain hose been installed correctly? No more than 4 inches into the standpipe
Make sure that the drain hose is not stretched, pinched, crushed, or kinked.
Is there a laundry item stuck in the outer tub drain hole or bellows to the pump housing?
Is the air chamber or pressure sensor tube blocked?
- The end of the drain hose should be located a minimum of 24″ and a maximum of 96″above the bottom of the washer.
- For best results, locate the end of the drain hose no higher than 66″ above the bottom of the washer. As the drain outlet is raised beyond 66″ the drain function will be increasingly affected.
- Never create an airtight seal between the hose and the drain with tape or other means. If no air gap is present, water can be siphoned out of the drum resulting in poor wash/rinse performance or clothing damage.
Check the Pump Resistance and Voltage.
Check the harness connection at the drain pump and Main PCB. Is the harness loose or disconnected?
Is the impeller of the pump damaged? Measure the resistance of the pump motor.
The pump should measure approximately
24Vdc BLDC Drain Pump – 1.5~4ohms on each winding. Check gray 3 pin connector white wire, blue wire & sky blue wire.
120Vac Drain Pump – 10 to 20 ohms. Check white 6 pin connector gray wire to blue wire.
Activate the drain pump in test mode. Does the drain pump receive proper voltage?
If not, check voltage at the Main board.
If proper voltage is present at the Main board, suspect a harness issue. Check resistance of pump from Main board to verify the harness is defective or good.
If still no voltage, replace the Main board.