Top Load Washer

No Power

Click on the Steps below to jump directly to that section:

Step 1
Check the source voltage at the outlet.
Step 2
Check the voltage at the Filter Board.
Step 3
Check the voltage at the Main PCB.
Step 4
Check voltage at the Display PCB.
Step 5
Check for service bulletins.


Wiring Colors, Connectors, and Pins will vary by model/product code. Always be sure to download and use the service manual for your specific model.

For Test Mode procedures use this link and input your specific model:

Step 1

Verify your power source voltage.

Step 2

Verify voltage at the Filter Board.

Step 3

Check the voltage at the Main PCB.

Step 4

Check the voltage at the Display PCB.

After verification that the Main PCB voltage is present, There should be 16.5 Vdc from Con 2 Pin 1 to Pin 4. If there is NO voltage to the Display PCB, replace the Main PCB. If there IS voltage at the Display PCB, replace the Display PCB.

Step 5

Check for service bulletins. 

Service Bulletin for “No Power” on some models. (WT7300,WT7800,WT7880, WT7900).


The issue here is that the power button isn’t contacting the display board. This is NOT an issue with the board but with the display assembly. Replace the Display assembly.