Top Load Washer

Removing a Stuck Pulsator

Click on the Steps below to jump directly to that section:

Step 1
Pilot Bearing Puller Description
Step 2
Bearing Puller Setup
Step 3
Loosen the Pulsator Screw
Step 4
Adjust the puller and socket over the screw
Step 5
Tighten the puller and remove the Pulsator


Wiring Colors, Connectors, and Pins will vary by model/product code. Always be sure to download and use the service manual for your specific model.

For Test Mode procedures use this link and input your specific model:

Step 1

Piulling Stuck Pulsator with Pilot bearing Puller (Grainger PN:48UV26).

Step 2

In some cases a Pulsator can become stuck and cannot be removed without the assistance of a puller.

Step 3

Loosen but do not remove the 10mm screw of the Pulsator.

Step 4

Place the jaws puller into the opening of the Pulsator. Use a 10mm socket placed on top of the screw to press against.

Step 5

Tighten the puller bolt until the Pulsator pulls free..