Top Load Washer

Noise / Vibration

Click on the Steps below to jump directly to that section:

Step 1
Check for noises turning the tub by hand.
Step 2
Place in test mode and step through to verify possible component issue.
Step 3
Check the hoses and the fill valves in test mode for “Water Hammering”.
Step 4
Level unit and Center Tub.
Step 5
Check / Replace the suspension.
Step 6
Advise customer about loading the machine properly.


Wiring Colors, Connectors, and Pins will vary by model/product code. Always be sure to download and use the service manual for your specific model.

For Test Mode procedures use this link and input your specific model:

Step 1

Check for noises turning the tub by hand

Rotate the tub by hand without power, to verify if the noise is mechanical in the drum or drive system.

Step 2

Place in test mode and step through each step to locate the abnormal noise. (Link provided above.)

(Valves, drain pump and other devices).

Step 3

Check the hoses and the fill valves in test mode for “Water Hammering”.

Water hammer is usually caused in high pressure (e.g. mains pressure) water systems either when a tap is turned off quickly, or by fast-acting solenoid valves, which suddenly stop the water moving through the pipes and sets up a shock wave through the water, causing the pipes to vibrate and shudder. Not an issue with the washing machine.

Step 4

Level the Washing Machine and center the tub

To ensure the washer is properly level, open the lid and look inside. Check the plastic guard around the drum to see if it is exposed more on one side than another. If the tub is NOT centered (as show in the drawing below), further adjustments are required.

Step 5

Test the Suspension 

It is normal for the tub to give when loaded to dampen the vibration and smooth the action of the washing. It will normally sink a little depending on the size load and water added. But too much give can cause vibration noise and if the tub drops enough can cause damage to the drain hoses.

To test, simply press against the tub, after doing this several times you should get a feel for what is correct or abnormal.

If the suspension is too weak replace it on all corners, not just one.

To access the suspension, remove the top cover.

You may need to check with your model’s service manual.

Press the spring clips, with a putty knife or similar tool, toward the rear of the unit to release the top cover. Place some tape around the putty knife to protect the customers finish.

Step 6

Advise the customer of proper loading of the washer.

When it comes to various size loads large items should not be more than half of the total wash load. Load large items first.