
No Cool Troubleshooting

R134 Vacuum process

Vacuum Procedure R134a Setup 

If you have a dual evaporator model you will need to place the 3 Way Valve in the “Fully Open” position. (For help with this see the article for 3-way valve . Click Here: 3-Way Valve Centering Procedure ). 

Run your vacuum pump until you are below 500 microns.

The goal is to have your entire system in a vacuum and the gauge set lines.

Shut the ball valve off and turn the vacuum pump off. With the micron gauge isolated, watch the gauge for approximately 10 to 15 minutes, if it rises above 1000 Microns there is still moisture in the system. If the Micron Gauge rises over 2000 microns, then there is a leak in the system.

If the Micron gauge stabilizes below 1000 Microns you are ready to move to the charging phase.