
No Cool Troubleshooting

Sealed System Quick Summary

1) Compressor Failure

* Can the Compressor do the job?

* Check voltage, amperage, and compressor resistance. For help click here:

* If the Compressor is ok electrically and just not pumping then click the article below:

If you find the compressor is inefficient test the rest of the system. Other issues like Low Side Leaks for example can cause extra strain on compressors and cause them to fail.

2) Sealed System leak

* Determine if the leak is located on the High Side or Low Side of the system.

3) Restriction in the System

* Location of Restriction can have different results on your run pressures, amperage, voltage, etc. 

4) Undercharge / Overcharge

* These issues may occur after a sealed system repair.

* There are no known issues of units coming from the factory undercharged or overcharged.

If you would like more in depth Step-by-Step troubleshooting click here: