
No Cool Troubleshooting

Sealed System Repair Diagnostic Jig

Please watch the video below for a full guide on how to connect and use the Sealed System Repair Diagnostic Jig:

This new tool has been released recently to help technicians better diagnose sealed system issues. Simply plug the Sealed System Diagnostic Jig into the compressor and allow it to run a test on the compressor and sealed system and it will provide a repair path for the technician to follow. 

Special Notes:

  • Currently the jig can only be used for FLD165 Compressors.
  • If the jig gives the answer of “FC (Fault Compressor)” be sure to still check for leaks during your repair. A low side leak will bring in moisture that can take the compressor out, so make sure and be thorough in leak testing and checking the system for contamination.